Thai Massage

Thai Massage

Thai-inspired massage

Dive into the world of Thai Massage

With gentle pressure and stretching, you are guided into a state of letting go and deep relaxation. The massage loosens your joints and liberates your body. The touch is delivered with great attentiveness and presence, allowing you to experience warmth, safety, and acceptance.

The massage includes classic Thai massage sequences such as stretching positions, joint mobilizations, and acupressure, as well as other bodywork elements. Mindful, gentle touches can help you deepen the connection with your body and create a sense of security.

As the focus is always on honoring your wishes and needs and responding to them, we work together to determine where your body needs more attention. The aim is to give you a profound physical and emotional experience.

Massage duration: 90 min
Price: 85 euro
The massage is performed with your clothes on a floor mat.

Add-on to your massage: 15-Min. Body Scan Meditation. Tune into your body and shift your attention from thinking to feeling. After the meditation, you can experience the massage more intensely and consciously. You don't need any previous experience; I will guide you gently and compassionately through your body.

Astiko is a life-loving and compassionate person who adores the poetry of touch and its healing power. She acquired her massage techniques in Thailand, particularly in Chiang Mai, as well as in Europe, under the guidance of Krishnataki, Till Heeg, Vangelis Varis and many other amazing teachers. Additionally, she has completed numerous workshops on Body Work, Meditations, and Therapeutic Work, and is currently undergoing Osho Pulsation Training.

Juhendaja: Astiko


tel: +49 175 974 35 08
